WARNING!!! Content from this blogger may help stimulate your mind

All I ask is that what I post you read with an open mind. Please make any judgements or decisions based on what your individual value(s), ideas, up-bringing may be. Remember, you are an individual, not a piece of a bigger group. The greatest thing about this country is that we have individual freedom. Really.

My 2 cents and you can keep the change

I am just an ordinary everyday citizen who is trying to get his voice heard. I think for myself and I don't always agree with someone or something 100% of the time, but that is entirely up to me to make that call. I really became interested in the political scene after 9/11 happened.

I am new to blogging, but it is something that I have always wanted to do. Give my opinion on certain current events along with happenings of everyday life is what I want to share with everyone. I am not mainstream by any way, nor do I feel that I have to solely committ to one party. However, I will committ to values that align with my own.

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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Decoys, Decoys, Decoys...

You know people that we come across in life sure can be interesting characters. A buddy of mine and me were looking to buy some used decoys for us to go duck hunting. The both of us already have some decoys and we were looking to add some more ducks to our spread. We came across one on a website selling some duck decoys. Apparently the guys selling those particular decoys were looking to get above and way beyond the retail value of what they had for sale. After bartering for a few days back and forth we left the ball in their court. Nothing. No sale and two bummed out hunters.

But, then mysteriously I came across a older postiong for geese decoys for sale. Geese decoys are much bigger than duck decoys, and cost a heck of a lot more. After some emails, and a phone call, my buddy and I were off to pick up our new used geese decoys. The price was beyond fair and almost too good to be true. Everything worked out great and we ended up with a lot more quality decoys than we ever would have imagined for at a great price.

Long story short, I ended going back a few days later to get some geese decoys. I was able to talk my girlfriend into buying me them for my Christmas/Birthday present. Since the guy selling them was practically giving them away, and there was no apparent stress sale going on; I took him a gift to show my appreciation for what he did for me and my friend, along with the cash too of course.

What I want to say is that when somebody takes care of you, you should voluntarily take care of them back in any way that you can. Does not have to be extravagant or anything, but just a little something to show that you acknowledge what they did for you. My belief is that acting like this will always put a positive image of yourself into someone else's mind. Showing appreciation is always a good thing. And you never know when you may need a favor or help.

1 comment:

  1. We got a fantastic deal on those decoys, I'm so happy that we went all the way out there for them. Our spread is gonna be awesome next time we get out, all we have to do now is get out there! Can't wait to finish up with these exams, sheesh...
