WARNING!!! Content from this blogger may help stimulate your mind

All I ask is that what I post you read with an open mind. Please make any judgements or decisions based on what your individual value(s), ideas, up-bringing may be. Remember, you are an individual, not a piece of a bigger group. The greatest thing about this country is that we have individual freedom. Really.

My 2 cents and you can keep the change

I am just an ordinary everyday citizen who is trying to get his voice heard. I think for myself and I don't always agree with someone or something 100% of the time, but that is entirely up to me to make that call. I really became interested in the political scene after 9/11 happened.

I am new to blogging, but it is something that I have always wanted to do. Give my opinion on certain current events along with happenings of everyday life is what I want to share with everyone. I am not mainstream by any way, nor do I feel that I have to solely committ to one party. However, I will committ to values that align with my own.

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Global Warming...?

Well now is a great time for me to share my view on what is projected as, Global Warming and its effects on humanity as we know it. This issue has really became an important topic for leaders of the world. So important that the high unemployment rate is in the shadow of global warming. Now, whether one feels that global warming is a scam, like I do, or if one genuinely feels that Earth as we know it is being destroyed by the evil Co2 emissions. This issue was so important and needed to be talked about now, that all the limos in Denmark, and then some, were rented out. All the leaders had to fly on their nice private jets to get to the conference. And all had to gather in conference to discuss this issue right away. Everything that I just mentioned, releases the "evil Co2 emissions." Really, it even comes out of mouth whenever we exhale or talk.

This whole shin dig is a clear example of, "Do as I say, and not as I do." Really, if there was a true passion for cutting down carbon footprints, then why the hell didn't they all do a video Internet conference? Right? Look at how much energy, money, time, and environment that would have saved realistically.

I am calling shenanigans on this one.

Recently we all heard of the hacked emails that discovered that the main scientists pushing global warming, are faking it to make it. They admitted to cooking the books.

Its a fact. Here we are, about to have some really tough measures jammed down our throats that is cooked. Made up. A scam. The effects that some of these measures will have on an economy are really going to hurt. And all of this is based on crap data put together by dishonest scientists.

Now, I am not scientists, but I feel that I have graduated with flying colors from the University of Common Sense. Lets be realistic here. I do believe that the Earth's climate does warm up from time to time. And then cools right back down. From winter to spring, the weather warms. From spring to summer, the weather warms some more. Shockingly, the weather from summer to fall, cools down. From fall back to winter, it cools down even more. Its called seasons. Nothing to be alarmed about.

Also this whole gig about Co2 emissions. I know that trees and plant life feed off of it. Lets look at how this could be warming the Earth. I am still thinking. Wait a minute. Nothing. I do know that as one goes higher into altitude, the colder it gets. So, if hot steam rose up into the atmosphere, will it cool off? Of course it will. Like being at the base of a mountain and then going to the peak. Or better yet, ask any pilot who sticks his hand out the window while flying. There is a considerable difference in temperature being cooler. If you don't believe me, try it out.

Its really sad how much of a fast one is being pulled on us right now. The scientists that show evidence that the Earth is warming, can also show evidence they are more than likely on a grant funded safari to prove it. Also, the scientists who publicly disagree, are shut up and shut down. Not fair. I am not one for conspiracy theories, but something is not right and it smells funny here. Al Gore, it is rumored that he has made quite close to a cool billion dollars off this thing called global warming. What gets me is that if Gore is so certain about global warming, and has made a lot of dinero from it, then why won't he debate anyone over it? Interesting. Also, from what I hear, he sure loves to contribute to the Co2 emissions being released. The biggest voiced proponents sure prove a clear case of hypocrisy

Next I want to bring up how remember after Hurricane Katrina and its devastation that was the beginning of the end as we knew it. Katrina was just a start to a wrath from mother nature and how the world is dying and being warmed. Not to forget the poor, poor polar bears. If I recall, there wasn't even a single hurricane that even came close to hitting the US this year. In the history of Earth, there will be natural disasters, which is ultimately what Hurricane Katrina was. But, if you are a global warming alarmist, then Katrina was a selling tool for the cause. Doom and Gloom to the end.

Bottom line is that can somebody please explain to me why all of this garbage is being thrown at us the way it is. Don't get me wrong, I do feel that we need to protect our environment by all means, and stop pollution, but lets not come up with a way to pull the wool over our eyes while at it. I do have one suggestion that will help stop the "Co2 abuse" to the environment. Why don't the proponents that global warming exists put a lid on it. Yes. go have a operation done that wires their jaws shut. This way it will stop all the emissions coming from their mouths. Think about it. Not only will it cut back on Co2 from this topic, but it will also help prevent future emissions from them on whatever the next fad will be.

Lets protect the environment and stop pollution, but at the same time lets not shut on humanity because of it.


  1. Although I agree that there is a big hoopla about global warming, and that there may have been fudging of numbers. The only thing I see though is the arctic ice is melting, and its disappearing. Don't doubt me, I'm canadian, I can feel it melting.....;)

  2. The ice caps melting. Check the most recent satelite image photos for the ice caps. They do in fact melt away during warmer months, and then they re-freeze again when the weather cools down. Expeditions to Antartica for example are usually done during their summer window because the ice is melting and they can explore more towards the pole. Now, they have to high tail it out of their when it starts to get colder...because the ice freezes and they don't want to get their ships stuck in the ice.
