WARNING!!! Content from this blogger may help stimulate your mind

All I ask is that what I post you read with an open mind. Please make any judgements or decisions based on what your individual value(s), ideas, up-bringing may be. Remember, you are an individual, not a piece of a bigger group. The greatest thing about this country is that we have individual freedom. Really.

My 2 cents and you can keep the change

I am just an ordinary everyday citizen who is trying to get his voice heard. I think for myself and I don't always agree with someone or something 100% of the time, but that is entirely up to me to make that call. I really became interested in the political scene after 9/11 happened.

I am new to blogging, but it is something that I have always wanted to do. Give my opinion on certain current events along with happenings of everyday life is what I want to share with everyone. I am not mainstream by any way, nor do I feel that I have to solely committ to one party. However, I will committ to values that align with my own.

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Saturday, December 12, 2009

I was wondering when this was going to happen

I came online to check the news really quick, and I really only wanted to check on the duck migration news really quick. And sure enough, there was news from the Coopenfakin Global Warming summit.It read, "600 Detained at Climate Rally Urging Bold Pact." (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/climate)

My blood started to boil as I read further into the article. This is where the pipe dream of all the countries of the world replacing asphalt with meadows and pastures comes to a streaking halt. The dream that all the nations will volunteer to shut down on their industries to curb carbon emissions in order to save the polar bears. The dream that a nations economic growth will be put second to nature and preserving the planet, shattered. Why?

Well now that nations realize that they will have to curb their own development and explain to their people that improving poverty is second to curbing carbon emissions. All these nations did for the most part was just blow hot air coming into the conference. Everyone seems to be on board, but it looks like nobody wants to be bound by international law to do so. Which means, shenanigans.

If anything this goes to show that an effort was produced to do something about the environment regarding global warming. In my opinion what this conference should have been about was how to cut down on polluting the environment, which is a fact. We need to really worry about smog and all the pollutants that go into the air, that is proven, not this farcical concept that the stuff that comes out of our mouth and rear is causing the Earth to heat up(and other factors as well).

Bottomline is that we have only been accurately recording temperature of the Earth for a tiny fraction of Earth's existence. Like anything else, weather has proven to be a cyclical event proven with time. There are high years and low years.

Enough said on my part about this, but I want to leave you all with a bogus global warming quote of the week.

"The interior of the earth is extremely hot, several million degree." Al Gore (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BooOfsZgac)

He said it, I didn't. What is also funny is that I think during his reign as the Vice-President of the United States, he said maybe 2 words, maybe three. And now he just can't put a lid on it about this Global warming debacle, which I might add that he doesn't want to have a debate on. You make the call.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday Night Picks for Next Week...

Some issues that I will be following closely going into next week will be:

1)The duck migration map for California
2)The Coopenfakin' summit
3)My finals
4)How much more debt our government is throwing on us

And (drum roll here please)

5)Tiger Woods and why he chose to go into hiding.

Gun Law Debacle...

Being that I am intimately involved and a supporter of the 2nd Amendment, along with all the amendments in our constitution; I feel that this will be a great time to discuss this issue. Today on yahoo news I read this heading, "Gun Laws Getting looser across much of US" [http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091211/ap_on_bi_ge/us_looser_gun_laws](AP). Before even reading the article I already knew pretty much the direction of where it was going. Now, of course if anyone of us read the headlines, "Freedom of speech laws overated" or "First Amendment out of control," our immediate reaction would be, WHAT!

Whether one agrees with gun rights or not, a person needs to take the time to really analyze their thoughts. Lets face it, a gun, no matter what type, caliber, purpose, is an inanimate object that requires a person to operate. Just like a car, a machine, a key, and even a flashlight. People who oppose the right of gun ownership or guns period because "Guns Kills," clearly makes this argument a victim to, POST HOC ERGO PROPTER HOC. For those still thinking what this means, it means an argument of false cause. Which is clearly presented in the meat and potatoes of many gun opponents arguments.

Gun ownership is a right. Just like freedom of speech, right to bail, no quartering of soldiers, no unwarranted search and seizures, and so on. So why does this one amendment of the constitution draw so much fire all the time. Really, I don't get. It has to be ignorance on one part, and well just plain not liking guns on the other.
Unfortunately my blog will not be the end all to this debate, but I am hoping that it opens some eyes. I can imagine living in America where people would be ok with limiting the first amendment, or allowing cops to just pull us over and seize property from us.

I am an advocate opposing irresponsible gun ownership. Its not the gun its the person responsible for it. I don't feel that people who are not responsible, violent criminals, or don't have proper firearm education should own one either.

What really irks the hell out of me is that a lot of laws that are proposed are punishing responsible gun owners. Lets face it, do criminals that are not allowed to own a gun, go to a gun shop, submit a background check, and once cleared, receive their firearm. Absolutely not. They go to the black market and get what they need, right then and there. But, yet people feel that making outrageuous laws will punish the criminals directly. They don't. They punish legal gunowners. Its common sense that criminals break the law and don't care. When are legislators and opponents of gun laws going to get it that they have make whatever law they want to try and prevent whatever they want, but in the end, the law abidding citizens will always follow the law, and the criminals will always break the law. It is the criminals that are murdering, robbing, shooting, etc with firearms, not responsible gunowners. Common sense.

Imagine if the DUI law was changed to zero tolerance. Can't drive with even one beer on your breath, because this way we can end all DUI related deaths. Politicians would shake their own hands and pat themselves on the back because it makes sense right, prevent irresponsible drinking and driving and get rid of all DUI related deaths. Case Shut right. No. Will people still continue to drink and drive, absolutely. All this type of law would is create unfair difficulties to responsible drivers. Think about the people that really do enjoy 1 beer at lunch. Or a glass of wine with dinner. Now under those premises those would be criminal to do that. Unfair? You make the call.

There was a saying that I once heard. "Guns Don't Kill People, People Do." Now when we think about, that saying can be applied to many things and still have the same purpose. Cars don't kill...knives don't kill...airplanes don't kill...arrows don't kill...pillows don't kill...people do. It all applies, because its all true. I bet that most of the opponents of guns have never fired a gun or appreciate the skill that is truely required to operate a gun.

I will make a promise to take anyone out who has never hunted or shot a firearm, and show them a responsibly fun time. And also, how the gun doesn't just jump up and starting shooting innocent people, or guilty people for that matter. Also, I will like to add that there is a lot of groups that do this all the time for first timers.

So whatever your opinion may be towards gun ownership, just look at this situation thoroughly and be consistent.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Global Warming...?

Well now is a great time for me to share my view on what is projected as, Global Warming and its effects on humanity as we know it. This issue has really became an important topic for leaders of the world. So important that the high unemployment rate is in the shadow of global warming. Now, whether one feels that global warming is a scam, like I do, or if one genuinely feels that Earth as we know it is being destroyed by the evil Co2 emissions. This issue was so important and needed to be talked about now, that all the limos in Denmark, and then some, were rented out. All the leaders had to fly on their nice private jets to get to the conference. And all had to gather in conference to discuss this issue right away. Everything that I just mentioned, releases the "evil Co2 emissions." Really, it even comes out of mouth whenever we exhale or talk.

This whole shin dig is a clear example of, "Do as I say, and not as I do." Really, if there was a true passion for cutting down carbon footprints, then why the hell didn't they all do a video Internet conference? Right? Look at how much energy, money, time, and environment that would have saved realistically.

I am calling shenanigans on this one.

Recently we all heard of the hacked emails that discovered that the main scientists pushing global warming, are faking it to make it. They admitted to cooking the books.

Its a fact. Here we are, about to have some really tough measures jammed down our throats that is cooked. Made up. A scam. The effects that some of these measures will have on an economy are really going to hurt. And all of this is based on crap data put together by dishonest scientists.

Now, I am not scientists, but I feel that I have graduated with flying colors from the University of Common Sense. Lets be realistic here. I do believe that the Earth's climate does warm up from time to time. And then cools right back down. From winter to spring, the weather warms. From spring to summer, the weather warms some more. Shockingly, the weather from summer to fall, cools down. From fall back to winter, it cools down even more. Its called seasons. Nothing to be alarmed about.

Also this whole gig about Co2 emissions. I know that trees and plant life feed off of it. Lets look at how this could be warming the Earth. I am still thinking. Wait a minute. Nothing. I do know that as one goes higher into altitude, the colder it gets. So, if hot steam rose up into the atmosphere, will it cool off? Of course it will. Like being at the base of a mountain and then going to the peak. Or better yet, ask any pilot who sticks his hand out the window while flying. There is a considerable difference in temperature being cooler. If you don't believe me, try it out.

Its really sad how much of a fast one is being pulled on us right now. The scientists that show evidence that the Earth is warming, can also show evidence they are more than likely on a grant funded safari to prove it. Also, the scientists who publicly disagree, are shut up and shut down. Not fair. I am not one for conspiracy theories, but something is not right and it smells funny here. Al Gore, it is rumored that he has made quite close to a cool billion dollars off this thing called global warming. What gets me is that if Gore is so certain about global warming, and has made a lot of dinero from it, then why won't he debate anyone over it? Interesting. Also, from what I hear, he sure loves to contribute to the Co2 emissions being released. The biggest voiced proponents sure prove a clear case of hypocrisy

Next I want to bring up how remember after Hurricane Katrina and its devastation that was the beginning of the end as we knew it. Katrina was just a start to a wrath from mother nature and how the world is dying and being warmed. Not to forget the poor, poor polar bears. If I recall, there wasn't even a single hurricane that even came close to hitting the US this year. In the history of Earth, there will be natural disasters, which is ultimately what Hurricane Katrina was. But, if you are a global warming alarmist, then Katrina was a selling tool for the cause. Doom and Gloom to the end.

Bottom line is that can somebody please explain to me why all of this garbage is being thrown at us the way it is. Don't get me wrong, I do feel that we need to protect our environment by all means, and stop pollution, but lets not come up with a way to pull the wool over our eyes while at it. I do have one suggestion that will help stop the "Co2 abuse" to the environment. Why don't the proponents that global warming exists put a lid on it. Yes. go have a operation done that wires their jaws shut. This way it will stop all the emissions coming from their mouths. Think about it. Not only will it cut back on Co2 from this topic, but it will also help prevent future emissions from them on whatever the next fad will be.

Lets protect the environment and stop pollution, but at the same time lets not shut on humanity because of it.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tiger Woods, Golf Extroadinaire

Tiger, Tiger, Tiger. Golf's greatest and the most richest sports figure in history. The guy is human, and I can't really explain why he did he would do this. He obviously used his status to reel in the ladies and take advantage of the situation. But I can't imagine how he didn't have the common sense to not do what he did. IOne of the most recognized faces out there and did he honestly believe that the ladies wouldn't talk, or he would get caught. I am no player, but I know that every women out there is a natural born private eye in disguise. He just chose to never give up his single life mentality and lifestyle.

By no means am I saying that I am all for what he did. No way Jose. All I am saying is that the guy for whatever reason failed to accept that he was married to a beautiful woman who is by far betting looking than most, if not all of the skanks that are coming out of the wood work. Yes they are skanks and here is why. Its no secret that he isn't married, but yet they did it anyways. Now, for these women to cry foul and play the victim card is outrageous. Its takes two to tangle, and thats that.

On a lighter note, I really don't think Tiger will be dropped by any of his endorsements. Here is why. Gillete isn't going to lose him to Schick. Gatorade isn't going to see Tiger get picked up by Powerade. Buick, well I am not sure what happened there, but I know if they could they would keep him.

If anything he will most likely pick up a sponsor or two. A jewerly store might create the Tiger Woods infidelity line. Viagra and Cialis can't wait until he reaches the age to where they can pick him up. Vegas, well they will be all over him for the classic, "What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas." Trojan Condoms might even look into him as well.

Eventually after all 900 or so of the ladies speak out this will blow over for Tiger. It is unfair to his wife, family, and fans, but it is what it is. Maybe living in a multi-million dollar home, a 22 million dollar yacht, a model hot wife, and playing all the golf humanly possible just was not enough for Tiger. I guess it can be true that money can't buy you love, but it sure can put a smile on your face from ear to ear. Like anyone else in life that has gone through this, it really does hurt the loved ones around you. In Tiger's case, its going to hurt his pocket book a heck of a lot more than his heart before he is finished with this one.

Hugh Hefner, look out, a new playboy has been exposed.

Now I do want to take this time to apologize to his wife and kids, in the event that they somehow read this blog post one day. It is a very sad situation, and his wife is an extremely beautiful person who from what I hear packs a viciuous long iron.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Harry Reid, Nevada Senator and Majority leader of the US Senate

I want to start by saying how utterly embarrassed I am to have this guy as the leader of our US Senate. The tirade that he went on today really has me believing that he fell off of the tree of desperate acts and hit every branch on the way down. For those of that didn't have a chance to hear what the Senator from Nevada had to say, here is a link http://www.cbsnews.com/blogs/2009/12/07/politics/politicalhotsheet/entry5928530.shtml

This is a pathetic act by a man who knows that his chances at re-election are slim to not happening this year. And I think not happening was just confirmed with outrageous remarks today. How is it possible for Reid to have the audacity to compare a health care reform bill, mind you that is over two thousand pages long, to women's suffrage and slavery? Because Reid is desperate and wants to blame anyone but himself for this failing legislation.

When Obama took office earlier this year, we all were promised one thing. Transparency. It is fact that we are getting all but transparency with this new administration. That is another issue that I will talk about later, but keep that in mind regarding this issue.

How is the GOP suppose to jump on board with legislation that they have been excluded from participating in. I also want to point out that Reid has the potential 60 votes to pass this without a single republican vote. He is attacking the GOP because he is failing to understand that this bill is set up as it is today is just way to expensive and no need for the government to take over all of healthcare to insure about 17 million or so. This bill was put together behind closed doors without a single republican idea. How is that debatting? Beats me.

Folks, believe it or not, we are looking at double standards at their finest here. Where is the media questioning all of this when we need them? Imagine if a GOP member stood up and gave the same speech as Reid did today. Riots might have broken out over the remarks. I am a believer in what's fair is fair, and folks I can tell you this, what is going on at our nations capitol is all but fair. Us ordinary citizens are the ones that will be paying for this in the end.

Just to make clear. I do believe that we do need some form of healthcare reform done. There is a lot that is not fair that is going on right now with insurance companies and their rules. But, lets think this one through and go with a plan that makes sense for all of America within due time, and not just anything that is jammed down our throats like it is being done today.

One other point that I want to make about Reid's desperation commentary today: President Abraham Lincoln was a Republican.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Glenn Beck

Of late I have had some extra time to really watch and analyze some news shows. Some may argue that it is not news at all, but more of a political viewpoint being sold to its viewers. Some cable news anchors draw more fire and criticism, while others enjoy jumping on the topic of the day and running with it until the next topic comes up.

Glenn Beck is on the Fox News Chanel which is on cable. Some of you may have or have not hear of him. After watching several of his shows and seeing what opponents and proponents of Mr. Beck have to say; I have reached the following conclusion. Glenn Beck is nothing out of the ordinary. He is not on TV to initiate the next revolution, nor is the leader of some right wing conspiracy project in the works.

Mr. Glenn Beck is simply just a government whistleblower. Really. Look at it from both sides and you will see what he is doing is simply what the media is suppose to do. Report on the government for the people of the United States of America. If you honestly look at the situation with Beck, and see it from a non-biased point of view, its clear. All he is doing is reporting the facts about the people running our government. Who they are, what they believe in, stuff on record of them saying, and thats about it. The material Beck presents is what it is. If Beck is wrong about something, he will correct himself. People can be in denial all they want, but he isn't reporting lies. Granted, he does have a point of view himself, but he also has a love for this country.

Say Allan Colmes, a known liberal radio show host, had the same type of show as Beck does back when President George W. Bush was in office. Would Allan Colmes been scrutinized and boycotted as the way Beck is being currently treated? Absolutely not. Why? Because there truly is a bias in the media and we as people need to accept it and make decisions for ourselves. Remeber there is always two sides to a story, sometimes three to say the least. My dad had always told me that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is untrue.

I do encourage anyone who doubts me to watch Glenn Beck for a week. And then watch the Ed Show on MSNBC for a week and tell who makes sense. Just by contrastaint those two shows is start to what I am trying to explain here. Or even just one show if you have never seen either. I have watched them both, and I was shocked as to see whats going on out there. Try it out.

Decoys, Decoys, Decoys...

You know people that we come across in life sure can be interesting characters. A buddy of mine and me were looking to buy some used decoys for us to go duck hunting. The both of us already have some decoys and we were looking to add some more ducks to our spread. We came across one on a website selling some duck decoys. Apparently the guys selling those particular decoys were looking to get above and way beyond the retail value of what they had for sale. After bartering for a few days back and forth we left the ball in their court. Nothing. No sale and two bummed out hunters.

But, then mysteriously I came across a older postiong for geese decoys for sale. Geese decoys are much bigger than duck decoys, and cost a heck of a lot more. After some emails, and a phone call, my buddy and I were off to pick up our new used geese decoys. The price was beyond fair and almost too good to be true. Everything worked out great and we ended up with a lot more quality decoys than we ever would have imagined for at a great price.

Long story short, I ended going back a few days later to get some geese decoys. I was able to talk my girlfriend into buying me them for my Christmas/Birthday present. Since the guy selling them was practically giving them away, and there was no apparent stress sale going on; I took him a gift to show my appreciation for what he did for me and my friend, along with the cash too of course.

What I want to say is that when somebody takes care of you, you should voluntarily take care of them back in any way that you can. Does not have to be extravagant or anything, but just a little something to show that you acknowledge what they did for you. My belief is that acting like this will always put a positive image of yourself into someone else's mind. Showing appreciation is always a good thing. And you never know when you may need a favor or help.