WARNING!!! Content from this blogger may help stimulate your mind

All I ask is that what I post you read with an open mind. Please make any judgements or decisions based on what your individual value(s), ideas, up-bringing may be. Remember, you are an individual, not a piece of a bigger group. The greatest thing about this country is that we have individual freedom. Really.

My 2 cents and you can keep the change

I am just an ordinary everyday citizen who is trying to get his voice heard. I think for myself and I don't always agree with someone or something 100% of the time, but that is entirely up to me to make that call. I really became interested in the political scene after 9/11 happened.

I am new to blogging, but it is something that I have always wanted to do. Give my opinion on certain current events along with happenings of everyday life is what I want to share with everyone. I am not mainstream by any way, nor do I feel that I have to solely committ to one party. However, I will committ to values that align with my own.

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Monday, December 14, 2009

Crunch Time for the Senate,,the House and White House

From what it appears to be now, it looks like there will not be enough votes to pass the health care legislation. Which is good, because if Health Care Reform is going to be passed in this country, they sure need to start over and do it right. The current bill makes no sense. For example, they are going to start taxing us six ways from Sunday for the health care plan, but it won't actually take effect until 2013. Huh? Yes look it up if you don't believe me.

Next, they are going to be gutting 500 billion dollars out of medicare over the next 10 years, but they are lowering the age to qualify for medicare down to 55 years old. What? Yes, they current Senate bill plans to take away money from a problem that is on the verge of collapse and add more people to it. No way! Yes way.

What really pisses me off the most about our Congress and White House is that unemployment rates seem to be a big pink elephant in the room that nobody still wants to talk about. It has steadily been on the incline, which my common sense would say that, that is an issue that needs to be addressed quickly. Not our government leaders. They want to think of plans that will tax us more and spread the wealth around. Well here is a fact. If more and more Americans are still unemployed, there will be that much less to tax and take away. Really, they need to do the math, quickly.

This is just one example of how our politicians are so out of touch with the American people. Our state governments, local governments, and national government all see to be on the same page of idiology and not coming to terms with the reality of today's problems. Fix the unemployment, lower taxes to drive the economy, stay focus on job creation, fix our foreign energy dependence, and lets get this great country back rockin' and rollin' again.

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