WARNING!!! Content from this blogger may help stimulate your mind

All I ask is that what I post you read with an open mind. Please make any judgements or decisions based on what your individual value(s), ideas, up-bringing may be. Remember, you are an individual, not a piece of a bigger group. The greatest thing about this country is that we have individual freedom. Really.

My 2 cents and you can keep the change

I am just an ordinary everyday citizen who is trying to get his voice heard. I think for myself and I don't always agree with someone or something 100% of the time, but that is entirely up to me to make that call. I really became interested in the political scene after 9/11 happened.

I am new to blogging, but it is something that I have always wanted to do. Give my opinion on certain current events along with happenings of everyday life is what I want to share with everyone. I am not mainstream by any way, nor do I feel that I have to solely committ to one party. However, I will committ to values that align with my own.

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

President Gives himself a B+...

I was going to leave this one alone, but since some networks keep spinning this, I just have to let it out. A, B+. How? Why? Who? When? Where?

This whole Obamamania is out of control. It was great to celebrate from Nov. 4 to Jan 19, but as of Jan. 20 it was a time to drop campaign mode and get into gear to fix this country. Yet, since Jan 20 our unemployment has continued to skyrocket, our national continue is growing out of control, and the course of action this administration is taking makes no sense. There are really to many to mention right now of actions that just don't make any sense.

The polls, the same polls that were accurate enough to say that Obama would win the Presidency, have his job approval rating at 46%. That is a failing grade to me considering he has not even been in office one full year and he is below 50%. Not good. His advisors need to stop feeding him whatever bs they are and get with the program quick if they think he is going to be re-elected, and their cushy jobs kept for another 4 years after these first four.

It just doesn't make any sense. A B+, is a a grade a narcissist would give himself in a situation like this. Hey, I wonder...?

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