WARNING!!! Content from this blogger may help stimulate your mind

All I ask is that what I post you read with an open mind. Please make any judgements or decisions based on what your individual value(s), ideas, up-bringing may be. Remember, you are an individual, not a piece of a bigger group. The greatest thing about this country is that we have individual freedom. Really.

My 2 cents and you can keep the change

I am just an ordinary everyday citizen who is trying to get his voice heard. I think for myself and I don't always agree with someone or something 100% of the time, but that is entirely up to me to make that call. I really became interested in the political scene after 9/11 happened.

I am new to blogging, but it is something that I have always wanted to do. Give my opinion on certain current events along with happenings of everyday life is what I want to share with everyone. I am not mainstream by any way, nor do I feel that I have to solely committ to one party. However, I will committ to values that align with my own.

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

California loses 47,000 Employers in 2008

I was turned onto this report by a local AM radio host, Brian Suits, who is heard locally on AM 640. Words can not describe how this news made me feel. Yes, 47,000 EMPLOYERS. 47,000 places that employ Californians are gone. Left the state to go elsewhere and will not be coming back. The first thing that crossed my mind was, Why? Who would leave the beautiful state that has year round sunshine and is within 3 hours of the ocean from anywhere in the state? Here is what I think.

They all left the state because of our idiotic high taxes and ridiculous regulation that our state legislation has imposed on our state. There is a consequence to what happens to unwarranted government regulation, and in 2008 us Californians took a huge bite out of reality when we lost 47,000 employers. Its funny how California's leadership and most civic leaders taunt how far ahead California is in Green jobs, and Green this, and Green that, and fighting the global warming, and if you don't believe in global warming you are living in the stone age. Well I have news for them. Look at what your unverified global warming regulation is doing to our state. Its tearing us down from the inside out. If there is not jobs in our state, that means that there is that much less tax revenue from business and the individual, which means less money going to Sacramento

In the private sector, results are expected from employees. In the government sector, it appears that the only expectation is to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time. Taxing the crap out businesses and the high income earners of this state, it was only a matter of time. People have money because they know how to make money. Staying in a state that is going to take as much of it away as humanly possible, is not a good investment. Also, people start businesses for one purpose, to generate money. Now, if our state government feels that they can just take as much and impose this, and tax that and that people were going to be ok with it. Well here is some simple math. 1% of something is more than 100% of nothing. At this rate we will have a empty state soon and the legislators to blame.

It all starts at the top and rolls down hill. If Schwarzenegger had a pair left after his steroid use he would have addressed this issue of retaining businesses in California along time. Instead, they think that they will make up the lost revenue on the existing businesses that are left here. Also, the decision making of Arnold, is impaired because he has his head so far up this global warming ass that his eye brows are burning. I am willing to be now that once he leaves office in 2010, he has some PR type position waiting for him to go around and be the Paul Revere of Global Warming. The climate is changing! The climate is changing! The climate is Changing!

Nobody wants to debate the issue of global warming, but yet lets drastically change our lives anyways. In conclusion I just want to say that is coincidence that California has the toughest green regulations in the nation, and also the highest jobless numbers of people as well. When are the ones in Sacramento, and then D.C. going to realize that they are killing our economy.


  1. You know what the worst thing is? In a few months/years, when those green laws get spread around the whole country, all those employers who left California to save a few, will wish they had stayed ;). But yeah, Cali is a mess.

  2. Other states have common sense. These "Green Laws" are doing nothing but bankrupting business' and people for no reason. They are not saving the environment by any means. If green laws were taken for face value, then we would not have combustion engines still for everything. It goes to show how far California has taken this and what the actual consequences are of their regulations. Most reports used to support their regulation reasoning have been either false, fabricated, or completely biased. Numbers don't lie, people do.
